
Journal and conference papers

  • CaTT contexts are finite computads

    Thibaut Benjamin, Ioannis Markakis, Chiara Sarti
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Informatics and Computer Science

    Two novel descriptions of weak \(\omega\)-categories have been recently proposed, using type-theoretic ideas. The first one is the dependent type theory CaTT whose models are \(\omega\)-categories. The second is a recursive description of a category of computads together with an adjunction to globular sets, such that the algebras for the induced monad are again \(\omega\)-categories. We compare the two descriptions by showing that there exits a fully faithful morphism of categories with families from the syntactic category of CaTT to the opposite of the category of computads, which gives an equivalence on the subcategory of finite computads. We derive a more direct connection between the category of models of CaTT and the category of algebras for the monad on globular sets, induced by the adjunction with computads.

  • Computads for generalised signatures

    Ioannis Markakis
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra

    We introduce a notion of signature whose sorts form a direct category, and study computads for such signatures. Algebras for such a signature are presheaves with an interpretation of every function symbol of the signature, and we describe how computads give rise to signatures. Generalising work of Batanin, we show that computads with certain generator-preserving morphisms form a presheaf category, and describe a forgetful functor from algebras to computads. Algebras free on a computad turn out to be the cofibrant objects for certain cofibrantly generated factorisation system, and the adjunction above induces the universal cofibrant replacement, in the sense of Garner, for this factorisation system. Finally, we conclude by explaining how many-sorted structures, weak \(\omega\)-categories, and algebraic semi-simplicial Kan complexes are algebras of such signatures, and we propose a notion of weak multiple category.

  • Computads for weak \(\omega\)-categories as an inductive type

    Christopher J. Dean, Eric Finster, Ioannis Markakis, David Reutter, Jamie Vicary
    Advances in Mathematics

    We give a new description of computads for weak globular ω-categories by giving an explicit inductive definition of the free words. This yields a new understanding of computads, and allows a new definition of \(\omega\)-category that avoids the technology of globular operads. Our framework permits direct proofs of important results via structural induction, and we use this to give new proofs that every ω-category is equivalent to a free one, and that the category of computads with variable-to-variable maps is a presheaf topos, giving a direct description of the index category. We prove that our resulting definition of \(\omega\)-category agrees with that of Batanin and Leinster and that the induced notion of cofibrant replacement for \(\omega\)-categories coincides with that of Garner.


  • Higher Eckmann-Hilton Arguments in Type Theory

    Thibaut Benjamin, Ioannis Markakis, Wilfred Offord, Chiara Sarti, Jamie Vicary (2025)

    We use a type theory for \(\omega\)-categories to produce higher-dimensional generalisations of the Eckmann-Hilton argument. The heart of our construction is a family of padding and repadding techniques, which give a notion of congruence between cells of different types. This gives explicit witnesses in all dimensions that, for cells with degenerate boundary, all composition operations are congruent and commutative. Our work has been implemented, allowing us to explicitly compute these witnesses, and we show these grow rapidly in complexity as the parameters are varied. Our results can also be exported as elements of identity types in Martin-Lof type theory, and hence are of relevance in homotopy type theory.

  • Naturality for higher-dimensional path types

    Thibaut Benjamin, Ioannis Markakis, Wilfred Offord, Chiara Sarti, Jamie Vicary (2025)

    We define a naturality construction for the operations of weak \(\omega\)-categories, as a meta-operation in a dependent type theory. Our construction has a geometrical motivation as a local tensor product with a directed interval, and behaves logically as a globular analogue of Reynolds parametricity. Our construction operates as a ``power tool'' to support construction of terms with geometrical structure, and we use it to define composition operations for cylinders and cones in omega-categories. The machinery can generate terms of high complexity, and we have implemented our construction in a proof assistant, which verifies that the generated terms have the correct type. All our results can be exported to homotopy type theory, allowing the explicit computation of complex path type inhabitants.

  • Invertible cells in \(\omega\)-categories

    Thibaut Benjamin, Ioannis Markakis (2024)

    We study coinductive invertibility of cells in weak \(\omega\)\-categories. We use the inductive presentation of weak \(\omega\)\-categories via an adjunction with the category of computads, and show that invertible cells are closed under all operations of $\omega$\-categories. Moreover, we give a simple criterion for invertibility in computads, together with an algorithm computing the data witnessing the invertibility, including the inverse, and the cancellation data.

  • Opposites for weak \(\omega\)-categories and the suspension and hom adjunction

    Thibaut Benjamin, Ioannis Markakis (2024)

    We define inductively the opposites of a weak globular \(\omega\)-category with respect to a set of dimensions, and we show that the properties of being free on a globular set or a computad are preserved under forming opposites. We then provide a new description of hom \(\omega\)-categories, and show that the opposites of a hom \(\omega\)-category are hom \(\omega\)-categories of opposites of the original \(\omega\)-category.

  • Computing minimal generating systems for some special toric ideals

    Dimitrios Dais, Ioannis Markakis (2017)

    Let \(X_P\) be the projective toric surface associated to a lattice polytope \(P\). If the number of lattice points lying on the boundary of \(P\) is at least \(4\), it is known that \(X_P\) is embeddable into a suitable projective space as zero set of finitely many quadrics. In this case, the determination of a minimal generating system of the toric ideal defining \(X_P\) is reduced to a simple Gaussian elimination.